When you are a business owner or manager, you will almost certainly need to draft contracts regularly. Contracts are a way for you to protect the interests of your business at all costs. Therefore, it goes without saying that they are very important to get right.
For a contract to be considered legally valid, there are five specific requirements. Ensuring that all five of these requirements have been fulfilled is one of the fundamental things that you should do when a new contract is made. The following is an overview of these requirements.
The Offer
The contract should include a clear overview of the intentions of the contract. For example, a work contract should state that a person's time and skills are required for a certain numbers of hours in return for a salary.
Acceptance of The Offer
The recipient of the contract should voluntarily agree to the terms of the offer made.
Intentions of The Transaction
There should be a full explanation of what the recipient of the contract is expected to do, and what benefit they will be set to receive, whether financial or otherwise.
Legal Intent
All parties involved in the contract should have the intent to make the document legally binding.
Mental Competency
All parties signing the contract must be aware of what they are doing, and they must have the mental competence and clarity to voluntarily decide to sign.
Contracts are an essential part of smart business relations. It's possible to formulate contracts in a way that can protect business interests and avoid future disputes.