
Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

The Importance of Boundaries in Family Businesses

Starting a business with family can have many fulfilling aspects. However, it also has its share of difficulties. In addition to the typical challenges with starting a business, starting a business with family can have its own set of issues connected to it.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Estate Planning when You're a Caretaker

Many people put off estate planning for years. There always seems to be a good reason to put it off. At first some people think they are too young to have an estate plan or that they do not have enough assets. In later years, time is limited with new jobs, young children and household duties.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

What Happens to Your Debts when You Die?

The goal of a comprehensive estate plan should be to properly allocate your assets in such a manner as to allow distribution to your heirs according to your wishes. One component is wealth preservation.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

3 Questions to Ask Before Contesting a Will

Losing a loved one can be enormously upsetting. People often feel lost and grief-stricken, particularly if the death was sudden or unexpected. In these situations, loved ones can wind up at odds over what should happen to the person’s estate.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Estate Planning and Addiction

Estate planning can be especially problematic for some families who are dealing with a child suffering from an addiction. Whether due to alcohol or drugs, the presence of an individual with an addiction can make the reality of estate planning even more off-putting for many people.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Business Strategies: Formation to Succession

Consider the life cycle of your business: formation, growth, stewardship, and succession. Formation involves the where, what, how and why. Why determines the potential exit strategies: succession.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Do You Really Want to Retire in Debt?

Reverse mortgages sometimes may be necessary. They can provide an additional source of funds for individuals who have equity in their home but have insufficient income to cover the costs of a healthcare emergency or some other shortfall.
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